Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Yesterday was my 8th Anniversary with Brooke.  We were lucky enough to be able to celebrate that date here in Florida.   We started the day with a trip to Myakka State Park.  With Billy the Exterminator and Swamp People, my girls are into bugs, reptiles of all sorts, and especially alligators.  Yesterday we saw a roach somewhere and Reagan said "those can make you really sick!"  I asked her how she knew that and she said Billy!"  So, we take the giant air boat ride out onto a lake and once we finally got to the other side, there were alligators everywhere.  It was something out of a movie and the girls LOVED it. 

After a late nap and a few hours in the pool, we returned to Columbia for our Anniversary dinner (with everyone).  This would give us a chance to walk around again and say goodbye to St. Armands.  I had joked with Brooke Ward when we were at Columbia's for lunch about the fact that Dick Vitale will probably come by-  it didn't happen at that lunch- but it did last night for dinner.  I was glad Brooke was there because it put someone else at my table that was more excited about Dicky V than myself.  My Brooke, and girls, couldn't have cared less.  Brooke Ward, stared at him through the entire dinner.  She was obsessed with Dicky V.  We didn't want to bother him because their were a few that were and we wanted to just let them enjoy their dinner (he was with his wife).  We were done and waited outside of the restaurant waiting on Brooke Ward.  Everywhere we go, we draw attention- as a unit.  I would like to think because the girls are so cute and there a lot of them.  Who knows?  Well I guess they got Dick Vitale's attention because when we walked buy ( I still didn't want to bother him) he handed us his autographed kids book.  All the girls, especially Caroline, were very appreciative even if they didn't know who he was.  He was then gracious enough to take the above picture with the girls and was so gracious with all them.  Brooke and I wet our pants.  He was totally a great guy. 

When then capped the day off with a late night family swim in the pool and all the girls did such a good job, Reagan is a swimmer now.

Today is a the last day at the beach for us.  We still have Disney tomorrow but it is ALWAYS a bittersweet day when we have to pack up and leave this great place.  There are so many great memories in this place and its been amazing to make new ones with my family.  With three girls sleeping in that room, and talking all night long- I was reminded of all the nights Patrick and I spent in those rooms.  It is strange being here without them, maybe next year we can all be here together, but it has been a great trip.

One more day here, I will soak it all in.


  1. OK-as much as I hate to do, I will revise my opinion of him--somewhat. Are you sure he was not under the table with the "General"?

  2. Did he tell your girls how great Duke is?

  3. Not meaning to offend any of our Jewish friends, one my favorite sayings of theirs is, "Next year in Longboat!"
