Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happy Birthday to my blog!

One year ago today I started this blog.  Thanks to so many of you who have stuck with me over the course of the year.  I have no idea how long I will continue to do this but there is a potential of having some big life changes ahead....which only inspires me to blog more.  Thanks so much for reading (9700+ views)!


  1. Happy Birthday to your Blog. I know your father and I have not been on here 9700 times, so you do have a following. You are telling your story beautifully. Keep it up.

  2. CONGRATS! Everyone who takes the time to read your Blog knows it comes from the heart. There is no script and that's one of the many things that we enjoy about you telling "the rest of the story" story. Keep it coming
    Deacon Dan

  3. It is a great blog and shows how thoughtful you are and what a great Dad and husband.
