Monday, September 13, 2010

Tic Toc Tic Toc Tic Toc....

Yesterday Reagan had a secret to tell me.  It was obviously something very serious.  She took me to the other room and asked me to come down to her level.  So down on one knee I asked her to tell me what was bothering her.  For a few minutes she went back and forth about something that was very upsetting  to her and apparently she was very sorry to have to tell me. 

Our conversation went something like this-
Reagan: Daddy, I have something to tell you and I am really sorry about it.

Me: What is it honey?
Reagan: I am really sorry Daddy but I had a bad dream.
Me: Ahh its alright- no worries, what happened?
Reagan: Daddy I am really sorry
Me: (Im getting a bit impatient now but she was being very cute)  Reagan- I promise it is okay
Reagan: I had a bad dream y...
Me: I get it Reagan what happened in your dream?
Reagan: Captain Hook was attacking you
Me: (sigh of relief and a smile on my face) Captain Hook was attacking me, huh?
Reagan: (she was about to cry at this point) Yes Daddy, on top of you.
Me: Captain Hook was on top of me?
Reagan:  No, his men were.  You had a bow tie on.

As she says this, she is sort of using her hands to describe what was going on. It was truly one of the cutest things ever.  I then realized that she was recounting a scene from a movie we watched about a month ago.  In Reagan's dream I am a grown up version of Peter Pan- which in the movie Hook is played by Robin Williams and when he first returns to Never Never land he is wearing a tux.  I don't know why Reagan had a dream about this so long after the movie.  I also don't want to look too much into it but I cant help but think it is very cool.  Of all the things Reagan could think her Daddy is, I am pretty thankful she sees me like a Peter Pan.  It could be a lot worse and in reality (from a four year old) not much better.  I also think it makes perfect sense too because after all-Reagan and her sisters- are my happy thought(s).

1 comment:

  1. I can see how she thinks of you as Peter Pan, especially Peter Pan in "Hook". Watch it again with her perspective. I'm glad she's a Peter Pan kinda girl. I have always loved the Pan.
