Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Which is worse?

So my wife used to make fun of me for going to speech therapy when I was a kid.  She sends zingers my way at opportune times that would be a dig at me for my speech therapy.  I must admit that it is some of her funnier moments when she is taking shots at me.  Well you can never imagine how much joy I had the day I discovered that when she was a kid, she went to eye therapy. I laughed for like 3 days straight on this one.  Eye therapy?  Who goes to eye therapy?  Anyway, we have since debated who was the bigger ra-tard.  Is it me for my speech therapy (which one of her children has already have) or  her for her eye therapy (which another one might need).  You tell me-  

For me, I say the eye therapy


  1. Eye therapy wins lids down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Come on now, seriously, it doesn't matter. If you need it, you need it. The end.

  3. Um, I did too! ha ha Eye therapy for a year to make my eyes work together :)

  4. Hers must not have taken or she would have seen you in those bow ties!
